

The 141 fragments of Hebrew documents conserved in the AMGi constitute 90 documentary units. They are classified according to their subject matter.

Consultation by subject

Fragments per original document

Ten different Hebrew documents have been identified, from which 67 of the catalogued documentary units presumably come.

  • Perpignan Synagogue Accounts, 1402. Accounts book of the synagogue's banks, 11 documentary units.

  • Aid accounts, 14th-15th centuries. In some of the fragments of this accounts book the word "aid" is mentioned, 12 documentary units.

  • Accounts book, 14th-15th centuries, 16 documentary units.

  • Medical treatise, 14th-15th centuries. Collection of medical and pharmacological texts, 11 documentary units.

  • Guitin's Commentary, 14th-15th centuries. Texts attributed to Guitin's Talmudic commentary, 2 documentary units.

  • Chapter of the sciatic nerve, 14th-15th centuries. Commentary on the Talmud's chapter on the sciatic nerve, 3 documentary units.

  • Erubin's treatise, 13th-14th centuries. Talmudic commentary or Erubin's treatise, 2 documentary units.

  • Sukka's commentary, 14th-15th centuries. Texts attributed to Sukka's Talmudic commentary, 6 documentary units.

  • Religious poems, 14th-15th centuries. Liturgical poems, on parchment, 2 documentary units.

  • Taqqanot, 14th-15th centuries. Statutes or ordinances, 2 documentary units.

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