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Capsa de curculles

Activity for children by Companyia Terranegra

Wednesday, July 2,
Call de Girona

Tati, the narrator of the company, has gone on holiday and she asked Estrella of Esmirna, a Sephardic Jew, to stand in for her. Estrella accepted the challenge. She will tell you this musical tale featuring Sakura, the grandmother Yoshi and her dog Perrins.

The music teacher asked Sakura for a small musical instrument, but she has none at home. She decides to go for a walk to the beach with Perrins. There are different items that the waves have left in the sand. With these items, Sakura and her grandmother Yoshi transformed her findings in unique musical instruments.

Story, illustrations and puppets: Tati Cervià
Direction: Elena Martinell
Music director: Toni Pujol
Music: Tati Cervià and Toni Pujol

Show in Catalan

Activity for children, free admission.

Patronat Call de GironaAjuntament de Girona

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