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La última judía, by Diana Talarewitz

Book presentation

Thursday, November 7,
Institut d'Estudis Nahmànides

La última judía is a journey through the bizarre life of the main character of the novel and her family from Bulgaria to Spain, through Istanbul and Italy. Narrated in the first person, she tells the vicissitudes of her Jewish family, who, due to historical circumstances, was forced to travel in search of the Promised Land. The novel describes Sephardic traditions within a tolerant family that sends the daughter to a French nun’s school. In Italy, the girl has to put an end to a loving relationship and, in the face of the imminent explosion of World War II, she moves with her family to Spain. In Barcelona, she finds a country devastated by the recently completed Civil War.

Free activity in Catalan language

Photo: Radio Sefarad

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