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Jornades Europees de la Cultura Jueva

The 7 boxes

Dory Sontheimer documentary

Saturday, September 15,
Museu d'Història dels Jueus

This is the story of Dory Sontheimer, a Catalan-German pharmacist who was raised as a Catholic in Franco’s Spain. One day, after the death of her parents, she discovered 7 boxes that had been hidden in a closet. Seven boxes full of photographs, letters and memories that revealed their real identity of the family: generations of Jews persecuted and slaughter by the Nazi regime.

Dory plucked up the courage to explain the history of her family. A testimony that could be, at the same time, the testimony of so many families across many countries. With her decision, Dory broke the silence that had been imposed not only during the II World War, but also along her entire life because of the fear. In her eyes, putting an end to this fear is the path to freedom.

So she decided to investigate her real roots and travel across different countries to meet her family descendants, most of them she had never heard about. Finally, she managed to reunite them all for the first time, in Barcelona.

Catalan language documentary

Photo: tv3. Film direction: Carles Canet and David Fontseca. Executive production: Valentí Roda and Noemí Cuní

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