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Jornades Europees de la Cultura Jueva

Los claroscuros de la memoria. Intimidad, género y política de la diáspora judeo-italiana en la literatura de Clara Weil

Lecture by Pablo Dreizik

Thursday, September 6,
Institut d'Estudis Nahmànides

Clara Weil was born in Trieste on February 12, 1924, in a traditionalist Jewish family.
At the end of December 1938, as a result of the new racial laws, she emigrated with her family to Argentina, where he lived until his death in 1985. In Argentina Clara Weil published two story books: Una cruz para el judío and Del amor y la condena . Her stories are the result of a laborious process of remembrance of her Judeo-Italian past, a process marked by her initial fascination with youth fascist organizations, her slow rediscovery of Judaism in Argentina and her critical eye on the passivity of the bourgeois environment of her life in Italy . These strong traces in the memory are shown in her stories.

Pablo Dreizik is a researcher and professor at the Buenos Aires University (UBA) dedicated to issues of ethics and the history of thought.

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