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Festival +Mot

Following Némirovsky

Literary debate conducted by Maria-Josep Balsach and Imma Merino, on the life and work of Irčne Némirovsky. Activity within the framework of the Festival + MOT 2018

Wednesday, March 21,
Institut d'Estudis Nahmŕnides

Irčne Némirovsky was a French writer of Ukrainian Jewish origin, murdered in Auschwitz in 1942. She was accused of anti-Semitism for writing texts such as David Golder; she was accused of anti-patriotism, by the French press, for her posthumous work, Suite Française, and she was persecuted and murdered in Auschwitz because of her Jewish condition.

In this new edition of the MOT Literature Festival, under the theme "Incarnate Literature”, the Nahmanides Institute for Jewish Studies proposes to deep into the literature of Irčne Némirovsky, a literature that embodies a full, complex and difficult life, which is also the reflection of the writer’s vital experience.

Free entrance. Activity in Catalan language.

Place: Nahmanides Institute for Jewish Studies. Sant Llorenç street

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