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Monday, September 2, 2019

20th Anniversary of the European Day of Jewish Culture

The commemorations of the 20th Anniversary of the EDJC will take place throughout Europe from September, 1th 2019.

Twenty years ago, the European Days of Jewish Culture was born to combat collective forgetfulness and to dignify European Jewish heritage. This year celebrating its 20th edition, the fundamental objective of this European-wide event is to highlight the diversity and richness of Judaism, with the firm intention of promoting dialogue, recognition and exchange through conferences, concerts, performances, guided tours and other activities, which take place simultaneously throughout the continent.

We believe that this year's 20th edition is particularly important and the EDJC acts as a strong defender of diversity and coexistence. We see the promotion of Jewish cultural heritage, and as it being an integral part of European history, as a key factor in the prevention of anti-Semitic stereotypes and prejudices taking root and increasing resilience against intolerance.

Last year, more than 420 cities from 28 European countries joined the European Cultural Days Jewish, with the participation of more than 179,000 people. This program is coordinated by AEPJ, the European Association for the Preservation and Promotion of the Culture and the Jewish Heritage, with the collaboration of the National Library of Israel, and thanks to the initiatives and the ongoing work of municipalities, Jewish communities, museums and cultural centres throughout Europe.

Since its creation in 1999, the Day has mobilized more than 2 million people, with an average participation of 25 countries.

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