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Plants of the Bible. Walking among plants in Jewish Girona

Urban tour by a nature guide

From May 25th to September 30th
Call de Girona

The Bible is also a compendium of knowledge that can be found even in the form of urban green spaces, in both natural and cultivated areas. An authentic trip through natural history within the Jewish quarter and environs.

Duration: 2 hours 30 min
Adults and children from 8 years old.
Groups with a maximum of 18 people/ 4 people minimum to do the visit.
Low difficulty rating. It is recommended to wear comfortable shoes.

Dates and times: from May 25th to September
Monday and Friday 9 am (English)
Wednesday, family visits, 9 am (English)
Saturdays at 4.30 pm, Catalan or Spanish.
Tuesday at 9:30 am (Spanish)
Starting point: reception of the Museum of Jewish History. 8, Força Street.

12 euros per person
8 euros under 12 years old

Bookings: or online form

Organized by: Naturalwalks
Collaboration: Patronat Call de Girona

Patronat Call de GironaAjuntament de Girona

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