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A history of the Jewish People

From July 23, 2021 to May 18, 2022
Museu d'Història dels Jueus

This is an exhibition on a journey of thirty-eight centuries through various roads: it run through almost every corner of the world, and it span from 1730 BCE to the present day. This is the story of an entire people, told through a thousand routes that are physical and social, political and conceptual. This is the chronicle of the paths that the Jewish People have been building over time, overcoming adversities and rewriting themselves from shared experiences and a common, fundamental, defining and identifying memory.

The roads are new, shoes,
Bought only yesterday, but the way
It is old and passes into inheritance.
Yehuda Amichai

An original idea of the European Association for Jewish Heritage (AEPJ) and the National Library of Israel

Access to the National Library of Israel virtual exhibition.

Texts: Dr. Elliot Jager. Content adaptation: Nahmanides Institute for Jewish Studies, Patronat Call de Girona. Original Design: Rotem Soaye. Design and adaptation in Girona: Roser Bover. Production: La Digital. Management, coordination and communication: Patronat Call de Girona

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