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Memories of a pandemic

The museums of history and ethnology launch a campaign to collect materials to testify Covid-19

From May 19th to June 14th 2020
Museu d'Història dels Jueus

The Museum of the History of the Jews joins the campaign to collect documents and objects that bear witness to the Covid-19 through our country.

The objective is to preserve the testimonies of oral, written, audiovisual memory and objects that help to interpret the impact of the global pandemic in Catalonia.
This material fund can be diverse: PPE (gloves, masks, gowns and other sanitary material ...), "Closed by COVID19" posters, drawings or other materials produced individually or collectively to face the pandemic, household objects that reflect the life under quarantine and social distancing measures; new products created by companies and industry; works of art in public space; and items that represent community projects and initiatives. The supports can be: photographs, videos, voice messages, etc.
The donated material is going to become the cultural heritage that the next generations will be able to associate with this crisis, which is first a health crisis, but also a social, economic and cultural crisis.

On the site Memories of a pandemic we explain how you can participate in the campaign.

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