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Postponed activity'Els murs fràgils dels calls. Jueus i jueves dels Països Catalans' de Ferran Garcia-Oliver

Book presentation by Joaquim Nadal Farreras

Friday, March 13,
Institut d'Estudis Nahmànides

Due to the pre-alert phase for COVID-19, this activity is postponed (we will announce the new date soon)

Ferran Garcia-Oliver (Beniopa, 1957) is a writer and historian. His literary work revolves around travel and dietary. With El vaixell de Genseric, he won the 17th Carles Rahola Essay Prize (2006) and with Valencians sense ADN. Relats dels orígens, the October “Joan Fuster” Essay Prize (2015). He has also published the novels La Veu d'Odiló and La melodia del desig, with which he won the Alfons el Magnànim Narrative Prize (2013). Professor of medieval history at the University of Valencia, he has written numerous articles and research books, including Ausias Marc (2009), the biography of the poet, and The Valley of the Six Mosques. Life and Work in the Medieval Valldigna (2011), English translation of his book La vall de les sis mesquites. El treball i la vida a la Valldigna medieval (2003). His latest publication is Els murs fràgils dels calls: jueus i jueves dels Països Catalans, compendium of studies dedicated to the Hebrew collective (2019).

The book provides a new vision of the Jewish history of the Catalan countries and analyzes from new perspectives the relations between the two communities (Christian and Jewish) that coexisted in the same physical, social and political space, throughout the Middle Ages.

Free activity in Catalan language

Organization: Editorial Afers and Nahmanides Institute for Jewish Studies. Entrance: Sant Llorenç s/n

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