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The School Bell-lloc does donation of three fragments of pertinent mosaic of can Pau Birol

Miquel Riera and Casadevall, director of this school has yielded to the City council of Girona with destination to the Museum of History of the City, these geometrical colours fragments of the mosaic of Bell-lloc of the Pla.

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The mosaics give a witness excepcionalmente clear of the economic and artistic level of the suburban villa of Bell-lloc, the less known of the suburbium of Gerunda but, the richer that it could have been, when these mosaics were acted in the last third of the s. III or first third of the s. IV, property of a such Cecilianus, a character of very high level that owed to have charges of government of high responsibility. The mosaics of the circus, the one of Teseo and Ariadna, together with the one of Bel·lorofont revestían the floor of one of the main aposentos of the villa, remarking the spaces of circulation.



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