Six schools participating in FIMG

Six city centers will participate in the educational category of the Festival. It was open to all students in 5th and 6th grades, and the ESO, from schools and colleges of the city of Girona. Each center has submitted drawings to be eligible to join a mapping that Bloom center will create.

Schools participating in the educational category of the International Festival of Girona Mapping are IES J.Vicens Vives, IES S. Sobrequés (out of competition), Mare de Déu del Mont school, Annexa Joan Puigbert school, Taialà school and Pericot school.

The awards are a first-class educational award of 1,000 € in school material and a runer up of 500 € in school material.

The jury that will choose the best drawings to be part of the mapping created by Bloom is composed by Carmen Sais, Bòlit director; Jordi Falgàs, Rafael Masó Fundation director; Jordi Armengol, professor at the Municipal School of Art; Nuria Font, video director and curator specializing in dance and new media; the resident artist winner of Bòlit creative residency; and Richard Hebert, director of FIMG.

Projections of educational category will be held at Centre Cultural La Mercè on July 31 and August 1 and 2 at 10 pm. These projections will not compete in professional and open categories of Girona International Mapping Festival.