
1860-1869 <<   >> 1880-1889

Praxinoscope | Praxinoscope music box | Praxinoscope theatre 1 | Praxinoscopi theatre 2 | Projection praxinoscope | Toupie Fantoches | Chronophotography 1 | Chronophotography 2 | Developed gelatinobromide | Photogravure


Reynaud's Praxinoscope / Praxinoscopi. La Llum del Cinema series. Museu del Cinema.

Praxinoscope music box

Praxinoscope music box with built between 1885 and 1895 by Company E. Hartmann-Bahon (Sainte Croix, Switzerland), based on Praxinoscope created by Emile Reynaud in 1877 in France.

Praxinoscope theatre 1

The Praxinoscope theater was invented by Emile Reynaud in 1879. This device uses the same system that Praxinoscope to animate images, a sort of zoetrope, replacing the drum slots for the mirrors inside. The difference with this Praxinoscope is the moving images are seen through a glass that reflects a latent image of a minuature stage with its scenery, in the middle of witch the image moved.

Praxinoscope theatre 2

Reynaud's Theatre Praxinoscope / Praxinoscopi teatre. La Llum del Cinema series. Museu del Cinema.

Projection praxinoscope

The Projection Praxinoscope is an optical toy invented by Émile Reynaud in 1880. This apparatus allows to project on a screen moving pictures. The praxinosocope projection that appears in this video is from Cinema Museum (Girona) and is one of the few specimens preserved in the world.

Toupie Fantoches

Reynaud's Toupie Fantoches. La Llums del Cinema series. Museu del Cinema.

Cronophotography 1

Virtual reconstruction of Eadweard Muybridge's experiments in Palo Alto, California, between 1877 and 1879 to achieve a galloping horse movement using the technique known as chronophotography..

Chronophotography 2

Muybridge's Chronophotography / Cronofotografia . La Llum del Cinema series. Museu del Cinema

Photographic process of developed gelatinobromide

This video shows step by step this photographic procedure developed in 1871 by Richard Leach Maddox and improved in 1878 by Charles Harper Bennett, that introduced important improvements in the capture and development of photographic images.


The video shows the process of making a photogravure, the technology that has been most used for printing photography. The recreation is based on the original Talbot-Klic (1879) technique with some procedural variants.