
1830-1839 <<   >> 1860-1869

Poliorama Panòptique | Camera lucida | Albumen print | Japanese photo album

Poliorama Panòptique

Poliorama Panòptique. Sèrie "La Llum del Cinema". Museu del Cinema

Camera lucida

A camera lucida is an optical device used as a drawing aid by artists. The camera lucida performs an optical superimposition of the subject being viewed upon the surface upon which the artist is drawing. The artist sees both scene and drawing surface simultaneously, as in a photographic double exposure. This allows the artist to duplicate key points of the scene on the drawing surface, thus aiding in the accurate rendering of perspective.The camera lucida was patented in 1806 by William Hyde Wollaston.

Albumen print

The video shows step by step the procedure for making albumen prints in 1860 in Girona.

Japanese photo album

Japanese photo album 1885-1890, from the photographic studio of Adolph Farsari (Yokohama). The photographs in this album are made with the photographic procedure to albumen. Each photograph is delicately hand-colored. The covers of the album are lacquered wood with red, black and old gold.