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Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Philosophers. The importance (or not) of being Jewish

Cycle of lectures 2024

Lecture within the cycle "Philosophers. The importance (or not) of being Jewish"


Thursday February 8
Hannah Arendt i la tradició oculta, by Fina Birulés Bertran, University of Barcelona

Thursday March 7
Edith Stein: "sortir de si mateixa i deixar-se caure", by Àngela Lorena Fuster Peiró, University of Barcelona

Thursday April 18
Rosa Luxemburg: teòrica i militant, pacifista i revolucionària, by Maximiliano Fuentes Codera, University of Girona

Thursday May 9
Judith Butler i les judeïtats: un cos estranjueu, by Marta Segarra Montaner, University of Barcelona

Thursday June 6
Contra la interpretació de Susan Sontag, by Íngrid Guardiola Sánchez, El Bòlit-Girona Contemporary Art Center

The cycle consists of a series of lectures about a group of thinkers who have left a mark on contemporary Western culture and who share a common trait: the fact of being Jewish, understood as this condition, from a cultural and contextual perspective, more than from the point of view of religious or community belonging. We are interested in highlighting the intellectual and humanistic contributions that these thinkers have made to our culture and, at the same time, asking ourselves if it makes sense to relate their work to a sociocultural origin linked to Judaism.

You can access the recorded conferences thanks to the Digital Repository of the University of Girona.

Free assistance with prior registration.

Cycle organized jointly by the Nahmanides Institute for Jewish Studies and the Chair Ferrater Mora of Contemporary Thought of the University of Girona

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