ID: 26

SHEPHERD, Elizabeth,


Dr Elizabeth Shepherd is Professor of archives and records management at University College London, Department of Information Studies (DIS). She teaches on the Masters programme in Archives and Records Management. Her research interests include the relationships between records management and information policy compliance (the subject of AHRC-funded and ESRC-funded projects) and the historical development of the archive profession, the subject of her PhD and book (2009). She serves on the editorial boards of Archival Science and the Records Management Journal, and on the UK's Research Excellence Framework REF2014, Panel 36. She has published numerous articles, (with Geoffrey Yeo) the internationally best selling book Managing Records: a handbook of principles and practice (Facet Publishing, 2003) and the monograph Archives and Archivists in 20th Century England (Ashgate, 2009).



What value does records management add to government administrative data?

Brief summary:

This paper will report on research carried out in UCL’s Department of Information Studies, (DIS), funded by ESRC as part of the Administrative Data Research Service for England (ADRC-E), investigating requirements for information governance.


Policy and practice reflecting legal compliance and public attitudes to data sharing are being developed for ADRCE and will also contribute to the wider debate about government information and data management. This research studies the relationships between information and records management, open government and transparency and privacy and security, and the appraisal of government administrative data for current business use and future research value, from the viewpoints of information professionals who provide or deny access, researchers seeking access to data and the citizens who are often the data subjects and on whose behalf data is created and preserved. Part of a five year project which began in 2014, this paper will report some initial findings and research directions.

Scientific contribution:

The research is undertaken from a records and information management perspective, but contributes to a large national data servicewhich provides specialised access to government administrative data. It examines issues around anonymisation, linked data, participatory and public engagement, and the role of the data researcher and the records manager. 


government data, open data, linked data, records management, academic research


ID: 25



Archivist at City of Cartagena


Programmer at City of Cartagena


Programmer at City of Cartagena


An alternative to the OAIS Model as digital repository at the City of Cartagena

Brief summary:

Un OAIS se ha mostrado inviable en el Ayuntamiento de Cartagena. Se opta por una arquitectura mixta: 1) Adecuación al Esquema Nacional de Seguridad. 2) Cumplimiento de ciertos requisitos funcionales de OAIS. 3) Desarrollo de una arquitectura propia con dos depósitos. 4) Aplicación de metodologías alternativas.


La legislación española obliga a mantener un depósito digital seguro similar a los archivos físicos; pero no indica una arquitectura específica. Se tiende a pensar que el modelo Open Archival Information System (OAIS) es la mejor arquitectura posible. No obstante, el desarrollo de un OAIS completo se ha mostrado financieramente inviable en el Ayuntamiento de Cartagena. En cumplimiento de la legislación, se ha optado por una arquitectura que consta de los siguientes componentes: 1) Adecuación al Esquema Nacional de Seguridad en las Administraciones Públicas, lo cual permite la creación de un entorno de seguridad genérico para todo el Ayuntamiento. 2) Cumplimiento de tantos requisitos funcionales de un OAIS como sea posible, particularmente en lo que concierne a la planificación de la preservación, puesto que la solución para la preservación segura a lo largo del tiempo no reside en la tecnología, sino en las políticas. 3) Desarrollo de una arquitectura redundante compuesta de un sistema de gestión de expedientes conectado con un depósito intermedio, sobre el que se pueden realizar modificaciones y procesos de valoración, y desde el que, una vez cerrado el expediente, se transfiere a un depósito seguro definitivo y, de manera simultánea, la o las firmas del mismo a un segundo depósito, a efectos de copia de seguridad. 4) Aplicación de metodologías y herramientas alternativas para compensar aquellos componentes de un OAIS que no quedan cubiertos por el modelo propuesto.

Scientific contribution:

Proposal of an affordable digital repository, based upon regulations and technologies, but also upon methodologies, policies and best practices.


Digital repositories, Policies, Risk management, OAIS