ID: 45

CAKMAK, Tolga; EROGLU, Sahika


Research Assistant


Research Assistant


Digital Cultural Heritage Works and Object Description within the Scope of Europeana

Brief summary:

Cultural institutions are  vital organizations for the societies’ cultures. Description of cultural objects can be carried out via projects and platforms like Europeana. Existing description conditions of Europeana is evaluated in this study. It also identifies the required description processes according to Europeana Data Model (EDM) framework.


Of late, cultural memory institutions develop their collections according to communities’ cultural assets and organize them for information needs and increase their visibility via cultural memory platforms and regional solutions.  Cultural heritage organizations digitize their collections and describe metadata fields of every single objects in their collections. In parallel with these efforts, different and independent usage of metadata fields  expressed as one of the biggest problems of cultural industries (Dedeler Bezirci, Bostancı & GuÌrel, 2012, p.132).  
Europeana describes a data model and explains data structures that will be ingested to the library via by a primer published in 2013 (Europeana Data Model, 2013). It is also stated that EDM has three functions, harvest, integrate and expose, for the creation of heterogeneous metadata from different European cultures (Eckert, 2012). On the other hand, philosophy of data model and its relationships were also explained by the studies (Doerr et al, 2010). EDM with its ontology allows creation of specialized data models by different institutions and creative industries. Hennicke, Boer, Isaac, Olensky, and Wielemaker (2011) explain in their studies that metadata mapping can be carried out  and the data can be converted to EDM from Encoded Archival Description3 (EAD) a metadata standard used for archival description. Moreover, EDM provides a RDF structure ingested in Europeana and makes object descriptions available in semantic web formats. It is also reflected as a strategy by the Europeana with the aim of developing European digital library as a data transmission platform as well as an internet portal that presents cultural objects (Eckert, 2012).

Scientific contribution:

Preservation of cultural heritage products which created by previous generations and hosts value in the sense of universal is continue to progress with technological developments. There are many initiatives and  projects for the protection of cultural heritage products that  transferred to digital media and began to appeal to a wider geography. With the involvement of the institutions to the Europeana, description of cultural objects can be presented in more clear structure. Plus, theoretical framework is drawn according to literature review and existing conditions and structures on description of Europeana collection is evaluated in the study. As an originality value this study identifies the required description processes with EDM framework for the cultural heritage institutions in terms of aggregation  to Europeana.


Cultural Indsutries, Europeana, Data structure model, Metadata