
New free Wi-Fi service in Girona

22/08/14 | Girona is offering free Wi-Fi at over 170 points around the city, both outdoors and in museums and other municipal facilities.

The publicly available ‘Girona Free Wi-Fi' service operates at a speed of 256 kbps (limit established by the Spanish Telecommunications Market Commission). Use of the network only requires a mobile device and registration to obtain the log-on password, except in the Cathedral zone where access is through Facebook.

In the Museum of Cinema, the Girona City History Museum, the Museum of Jewish History and Casa Masó, the network is open and does not require registration.
At the remaining 166 points outdoors, access involves registering for free and entering a log-on password sent by text message.

This service may be used by tourists and by residents and will operate 24 hours a day