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L'espace culturel hébraïque médiéval et le Mikvé (XIIe siècle): témoins silencieux d'un passé juif brillant - CANCELED

Lecture by Dr. Michaël Iancu

Thursday, March 30,
Institut d'Estudis Nahmànides

Conference included in the cycle The social and ritual uses of water in the Medieval Girona programmed jointly with the Museum of History of Girona and linked to the exhibitions Girona and water and Ritual waters. The history of the Girona Jewish baths that can be visited in The City History Museum and the Museum of History of the Jews respectively, and extended until May 21.

Michaël Iancu, is a doctor of the Paul-Valéry Montpellier III University and director of the Institut universitaire Euro-Méditerranéen Maïmonide in Montpellier.

Cycle of three conferences about different ways to use the water according the different cultures that were part of the history of Girona in the Medieval times.

Due to circumstances beyond our control, the LECTURE IS CANCELLED

Address: Sant Llorenç street. Photo: Josep Ma. Oliveras

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