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The festivals of the Jewish calendar

Activity for children, included within "6 Museums for Christmas" by Gironamuseus

Saturday, December 28,
Call de Girona

The Hebrew calendar is full of ancient festivities: Hanukkah, Kippur, Pesach, Purim, Rosh ha-Shanah, Simhat Torah, Sukkot, Tish'ah be-Av, Shavu'ot... In medieval times, the Jewish homes of Girona were filled with songs and festive delicacies during these holidays. Maybe we can not explain them all, but we'll choose some of them to have some fun.

Timetable: from 10.30 am to 12 noon
Price: 3 euros
Limited places

Registration form.

Organized by: Gironamuseus and Patronat Call de Girona

Patronat Call de GironaAjuntament de Girona

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