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The Idea of Europe. Monologue based on George Steiner’s essay

Conclusion of the 2018 series of lectures. Performed by Òscar Intente (actor) and Ferran Martínez (music)

Tuesday, June 12,
Museu d'Història dels Jueus

The idea d'Europa is an essay by George Steiner (a prestigious humanist and French scholar) who talks about the contemporary European men. European men, women and children who carry a heavy backpack. The weight of a brutal past, but also grand. Here we are. Fine, and now, what? What is Europe? Man, says Steiner, has a great capacity to do evil but also has a great capacity to devote himself to useless topics: music, mathematics, poetry, beauty ... maybe goodness. The search for these abilities is the only answer to the uncertainty of our continent to face world globalization. The Idea of Europe is a topical proposal, today more than ever.

Duration: 65 minutes

This activity will close series of lectures “The Jewish contribution to the Idea of Europe” (January-June 2018)

Free activity in Catalan language. Limited seats

Author: George Steiner. Translator: Víctor Compta. Director: Òscar Intente. Actor: Òscar Intente. Music: Ferran Martínez

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